Beki was born in the US and grew up in Canada and the Bahamas. In 1986, she made Charleston, SC her home where she and her husband, Sherman Evans opened their Boutique/Gallery, UTOPIA, in the historic downtown  area in 1991.


Her artistic influences range from the vibrant colors and passionate sensuality of the tropics, to her personal experiences as a biracial, multi-cultural woman, mother and artist. She has exhibited her work internationally, with solo shows focusing on the expression of the feminine principle, birth, sexuality and spirituality. Beki has explored unique ways to share her work, with installation concepts, collaborative multi-media projects. More recently she has worked with her sister, a performer/poet to create the multi-sensory performance,  “I ate a rainbow for Breakfast”, taking the art off the wall and putting it in an exciting and engaging context, with huge projections choreographed to enhance and support the brilliant poetry performed by Joanna Crowell.






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